A Typical Day In the Life of Allana

Allana Moore
3 min readFeb 13, 2021

2020 was a crazy year that brought a lot of change to everyone’s lives. 2019 happened to be a crazy year for me too, so I am going to compare how a typical day in February may have looked for me in 2019, 2020, and lastly in 2021. In 2019, I was in 8th grade making plans to go to Olathe North for high school and playing on Missouri Phenom, my basketball team that practiced 4 days a week. I would probably wake up and get ready for school, at the time we ate breakfast as a family every morning around 7. My sister would then take me to school, somedays we would get coffee on the way to school and I would often bring one for my friend Kate. I would then go to school. I remember my classes being very easy, besides my math class which was pretty challenging. During lunch I would eat with my friends. Me and my sister would alternate days making lunches, so I ate something different everyday. I would then finish out my school day and take the bus home because my sister had basketball after school. I never had any homework, so I used to come home eat a snack and then immediately go to sleep. I’d nap for a few hours before waking up to go to basketball practice, which was an hour away in Grain Valley Missouri. My mom or dad would stay there with me until practice was over, then we would grab dinner or go home if my mom cooked that night.

In February of 2020, I had just transferred from Olathe North to West, and I was beginning physical therapy. On a typical weekday, I would wake up eat breakfast with my sister and head to school. During this particular season of my life I was always so excited to go to West because it was like a breath of fresh air in comparison to my old school. I was finally off crutches and was expected to start playing basketball again after my knee injury. I started to manage the basketball team and was excited to be a part of such a fun, uplifting program. My classes weren’t too hard to balance and it was fun to be around my friends especially during lunch. After school, I would workout and do recovery with Dennis, then I would help with practice. After I would go home and watch TV or go shopping with my sister. This felt like more of a “rising action” part of my life.

Finally, in 2021, I started driving, I’m back to playing basketball, and some extreme dynamic changes are taking place within my family. My sister is about to move to Atlanta for school, My dad has moved out of the house, and my mom is working to define her individuality outside of her maternal and wifely characteristics. Since we are hybrid, on a normal day I wake up and plan my outfit if I don’t have weights that day, both me and my sister have been a lot more invested in our styles recently. I eat lunch and drive to school. My classes this year are not too difficult, but because of the format this year it’s sometimes hard to stay caught up. After school I go to either a game or practice for basketball. After, I head a work a few days a week or go to a stuco meeting. Finally, I come home, eat dinner with my mom, take a shower and get ready for bed, then finally do any homework that needs to be done.

